Do you ever find that you can get triggered by the tiniest little thing? I was surprised to find myself irritated last night as my family and I were getting set up to play a board game. It was a brand-new game that I gave one of my kids for Christmas called Dixit. As it was opened, a little, clear piece of plastic dropped out onto the floor that was meant to be used to attach some pieces together. We searched and searched to no avail and gave up, settling to still use the pieces carefully as there was still the clear plastic attachment on the other side.

The irritation I felt didn’t subside and although I absolutely loved the game, the loss of this piece was still bugging me! Geez, such a big reaction for a tiny little piece of plastic!! I knew it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact one of my kids had dropped it on the floor and lost it and everything to do with an un-processed sense of loss floating around in my subconscious. The game was simply a symbol highlighting the need for me to explore why I felt more than just a mild annoyance.

So, this morning, in an attempt to uncover what this experience really meant, I started to do some tapping around it. Have you heard of tapping? It’s a stress-release tool I use regularly and I find it restores a sense of calmness and well-being. It’s based on Chinese acupressure.

You’re probably thinking by now ‘what is this woman on about’, all of this hoo-ha over a tiny piece of plastic. Haha, oh well, unsubscribe now if you think I’m a little nutty.

It didn’t take long before something bubbled up that made total sense to me. I started the process using the words ‘brand new and already broken’. As I did a few tapping rounds I was able to understand exactly why I had felt the way I had felt last night. I was taken back to a profound event that I had held in my body all this time. It really is quite a freeing technique. I can now head over to the piano and spend some time musically painting this realisation

using the 12 notes as a healing balm

those notes will believe you

those notes will reach out to you

those notes will hold you

those notes will embrace you

those notes will always be there for you

those notes will delve deep inside of you, showing interest

those notes won’t leave you

those notes will create just the right amount of space for you to be you

No judgement

No teasing you for just being you

No looking down at you

No inequality

No separation

No wanting you to be someone you’re not

No leaving you out

No sense of superiority

No smothering your light

No snide remarks

No jealousy

No passive aggressiveness

No being ignored by those who should love you

No not reaching out to you

No just being there through obligation

No talking about what they have been up to when you have clearly not been invited


Sometimes, it’s true, I prefer music notes

to unevolved humans

to consciousness that is completely unaware

unaware of the pain they cause

unaware of their self-importance

unaware of their self-righteousness

unaware of their rudeness

unaware of their b!#chiness

unaware of the depth of hurt they cut you with

Best to immerse yourself in the notes instead sometimes…

I have discovered that those notes help me forgive, be free and explore

where I, also, have

caused pain

felt self-important

been self-righteous

spoken rudely

been a b!#ch

hurt others

Unless I accept that all in this world is a mirror I can’t call myself evolved either.

Email your best contact number to I will be in touch.

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